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Striped Fox Creations is owned and run by Daniel Mieth, known as Shuken Flash (Pronounced shoe-kin) in the fandom. A part of the fandom since 2007 Shuken started getting more involved with the fandom after visiting Midwest FurFest 2014. Since then he's been to cons all over the US and even one in England. Combining his passion for working with his hands with his love for the fandom Shuken decided to launch Striped Fox Creations after being unsatisfied with a harness he bought and deciding to make one himself as well as a cooling fan for his suit. After recieving a number of compliments and requests from a friends to make them one Shuken opened to the community at large for commissions based on fursuit accessories he'd made for himself. Every product from Striped Fox Creations was designed by Shuken to fill a need he found while fursuiting and are based off of the prototypes he made for himself.

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